From 19 to 22 November 2018, the International Nuremberg Principles Academy in cooperation with the KSC carried out a seminar on “journalism and trial reporting”. Eighteen journalists from different media outlets in Kosovo attended the seminar, which was part of a series of outreach activities the KSC is undertaking with journalists.

In her welcoming remarks, KSC Registrar Dr. Fidelma Donlon thanked the Director of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy and his team for hosting the event. She emphasized the importance of fair and unbiased trial reporting and that a central theme of the KSC communication strategy is being responsive to journalists. She said, “For the KSC, the relationship with the media especially in Kosovo is crucial to achieve our goal of communicating the work of the KSC as transparently as possible.”

During the seminar, the participants had the opportunity to discuss their concerns and questions with fellow journalists who had extensive experience in trial reporting, with experts in the field of international criminal law and with senior staff members of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. To provide an overview of the history of international tribunals, the Nuremberg Academy organized a visit to the Memorium of the Nuremberg trials and the Documentation Center. An important part of the seminar was to ask Kosovo journalists for their feedback on the KSC media communication and make concrete suggestions for further improvement.



Specialist Chambers