Kosovo Specialist Chambers Judge Elected to the International Criminal Court
News categoryOn 5 December 2023, Judge Nicolas Guillou of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC), was elected as a Judge of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Judge Guillou was appointed as Judge of the KSC on...
Specialist Prosecutor welcomes Mustafa appeal verdict as “victory for justice”
News categorySpecialist Prosecutor Kimberly West welcomed today’s judgment in the appeal of Salih Mustafa, which upheld of the first-instance verdict, but modified Mr Mustafa’s sentence, as representing a victory...
President Ekaterina Trendafilova grants Nasim Haradinaj modification of sentence
News categoryThe President of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC), Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova, on 12 December 2023, decided to modify Mr Nasim Haradinaj’s sentence to provide for his release on or about 14...
Appeals Panel pronounces judgment in Salih Mustafa case
News categoryOn 14 December 2023, the Court of Appeals Panel in the case of the Specialist Prosecutor v. Salih Mustafa, composed of Judges Michèle Picard, Kai Ambos and Nina Jørgensen, issued the first appeal...
Haxhi Shala arrested on charges of witness intimidation and transferred to the KSC Detention Facilities in The Hague – Initial Appearance scheduled for 13 December 2023
News category...
Specialist Prosecutor’s Office arrests Haxhi SHALA
News categoryHaxhi SHALA has been arrested in Kosovo by the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO), pursuant to an arrest warrant and transfer order issued by a Pre-Trial Judge of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers.