On 20 January 2022, President Ekaterina Trendafilova was the keynote speaker at the opening of the judicial year for 2022, which was held at the International Criminal Court (ICC). During this event, the ICC held a solemn hearing, which was attended by the ICC Principals, the President of the Assembly of States Parties, the President of the ICC Bar Association, national and international Judges, as well as members of the diplomatic community and others.

In her remarks, President Trendafilova addressed matters relevant to the development of the field of international criminal justice and the role and responsibilities of courts and states therein. She expressed her gratitude at being invited in her capacity as President of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, and was honoured to deliver the keynote address at the premises of the ICC, where she previously served as a Judge for nine years.

During her address, President Trendafilova noted that "the first courts and tribunals were tasked to blaze the trail of international justice and they deserve our honour and appreciation. However, the field is not static; it continues to evolve by analysing the criticism levelled at previous such institutions, drawing on best practices and developing innovative approaches to ensure that justice is done in the most efficient and effective manner, while upholding the core principles of independence, impartiality and fairness".

A recording of President Trendafilova’s keynote address can be found here.


Specialist Chambers