On 27 March 2024, Judge Guillou issued an order with concrete time lines for the remaining pre-trial proceedings in the case against Sabit Januzi, Ismet Bahtijari and Haxhi Shala.

As per the funding situation of their teams, the Defence is ordered to complete and submit the required forms and documentations by 12 April 2024 if they intend to request legal aid from the KSC. The Judge ordered the Defence teams to file written submissions if there are any obstacles in meeting the deadline for submitting the necessary forms, and he also requested the Registry to process these applications on an urgent basis.

Among other deadlines, the Judge also ordered that the Defence must file its pre-trial brief by 7 June and set 21 June 2024 as the date for transmitting the case file to the Trial Panel.

The decision with more details is available here.

Thursday March 28, 2024 13:00