On 24 April 2024, the Specialist Chamber of the Constitutional Court (SCCC), consisting of Judges Vidar Stensland, Roumen Nenkov, and Romina Incutti, issued their decision on the referral by Januzi, Bahtijari, and H. Shala regarding the constitutional validity of the Legal Aid Regulations of the Specialist Chambers, filed on 3 April this year. In accordance with Article 113(7) of the Constitution, Article 49(3) of the Law, and Rule 14(f) of the SCCC Rules, the Panel declared the referral inadmissible as the Kosovo Constitution and the Law do not authorize individuals to raise questions of constitutional compatibility of laws before the Chamber.

Because the Referral was found to be inadmissible, the Panel rejected the request by the Association of Defence Counsel Practicing Before the International Courts and Tribunals to appear as amicus curiae (“a friend of the court”), as well as Isni Kilaj's request to join the Referral. More details in the full decision.

Wednesday April 24, 2024 18:15