Monday July 15, 2024 10:30

After Januzi Defence requested an extension of the current deadline and considering that Haxhi Shala Defence was not present at the hearing on 12 July, the Pre-Trial Judge decided on the same day, proprio motu (on her own initiative), to vacate the earlier deadline for filing the Defence pre-trial briefs, which was set for 15 July. The Januzi Defence has been instructed to submit its request for an extension of the time limit for filing its pre-trial brief by Monday, 15 July 2024, with possible responses from other parties to follow by 16 July.

Following the Januzi Defence's intention to file a preliminary motion regarding the new charge in the latest joint indictment, Judge Masselot also vacated the date for the transmission of the case file to the Trial Panel, which was set for 22 July.

New dates will be set in due course.

More details are available in the decision.