On 26 February 2025, the Trial Panel in the Thaçi et al. case issued its decision regarding a request from all four Defence teams asking the Panel to take measures to ensure the impartiality of the proceedings and to avoid prejudice against the accused. Specifically, the Defence's request addresses the Panel's method of questioning SPO witnesses, alleging, among other things, that it creates an appearance of bias.
The Panel took note of the Defence objections but has rejected the request, concluding that the judicial questioning did not violate the Accused’s rights nor would they lead a reasonably informed observer to reasonably perceive bias. Further details can be found in the ruling issued by the panel.
This is the second decision in this case regarding the Defence's objections to how the Panel has questioned the witnesses. The previous decision was made by the Court of Appeal Panel in July 2023, when the first Defence request was also rejected.