On 14 February 2024, the Trial Panel in the Thaçi et al. case approved the withdrawal of Gregory Kehoe as lead counsel for Hashim Thaçi. The decision will become effective when the Registrar appoints a new lead counsel. Since both Thaçi and Luka Mišetić (currently one of Thaçi’s co-counsels) agreed that Mišetić would succeed Kehoe, the Panel invited the Registry to take all the necessary steps to appoint Mišetić as lead counsel for Thaҫi as soon as practicable.

The Panel also approved the withdrawal of Thaçi’s co-counsel Joe Reeder while the Registrar was directed to decide upon the requested withdrawal of three legal associates and five support team members.

Finally, the Trial Panel considered the Kehoe’s request for payment of the costs by the KSC during the transition period, i.e. after the appointment of the new counsel. The Panel noted that the Registrar may decide to instruct Kehoe to continue to act or to assist replacement counsel (for a period up to 45 days) but, since the new counsel has not yet been appointed and since the Registrar has not issued any such instruction to Kehoe, the Panel found the request to be premature at this point and has therefore dismissed it.

More details in the decision.

Thursday February 15, 2024 10:00