On 8 April, the Outreach team of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers participated in a videoconference lecture and discussion with high school students from the Finnish School of Kosovo. At the event, organized in cooperation with the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, representatives of the KSC talked about how the court works, the types of crimes covered in its jurisdiction and how the KSC ensures fair, impartial and secure proceedings. The event was interactive, and students took the opportunity to make comments and raise several questions.

During this extraordinary worldwide health crisis, the KSC is taking steps to ensure that it can continue to inform people in Kosovo about the court and its activities, to clarify misconceptions and to respond to the questions and concerns that people have. These steps include planning more events online, increasing the production and broadcasting of informative videos, and, as always, cooperating closely with civil society.

Across the board, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers has introduced measures to respond to the coronavirus outbreak, while continuing in all aspects of it operations to move ahead in pursuing its mandate.


Specialist Chambers