Judge Kai Ambos, Judge on the Roster of international Judges of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, was awarded the Order of merit “Carlos Lemos Simmonds” for 2018 by the Colombian Press Association and the German Embassy in Bogotá, for his contribution to the peace process in Colombia. The award is given to persons who make outstanding contributions to transparency, democracy, German-Colombian friendship and social development. In December 2017, Judge Ambos was also selected as Amicus Curiae to the Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace, the Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP). 

In congratulating Judge Ambos for this award, Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova, President of the Specialist Chambers, stated: “It is an honour to have Judge Ambos among the Judges of the Specialist Chambers and this prize is an important acknowledgment of Judge Ambos’ 30 year-long dedicated work towards lasting peace in Colombia”.

Judge Ambos was appointed to the Roster of International Judges of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers on 7 February 2017. Judges on the Roster of International Judges may undertake other professional activities that do not compromise the ability to be assigned by the President.

Specialist Chambers