Judge Gilbert Bitti (click to download) NATIONALITY: france Date of appointment: 22 september 2020 Biography: Judge Gilbert Bitti has been serving as a Senior Legal Adviser at the International Criminal Court (ICC) Pre-Trial Division (2005-present). He further acted as Chief of the Victims Participation and Reparations Section of the ICC (2003) and as Deputy to the Chief of the Legal Advisory Section in the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC (2004-2005). He was counsel for the French Government before the European Court for Human Rights (1993- 2001) and was a member of the French delegation during the negotiations of the Rome Statute and the ICC Rules of Procedure and Evidence. From 1991 to 1993, Judge Bitti was an Assistant Professor at the University of Paris II (Pantheon-Assas, France). Judge Bitti continues to teach at a number of universities in France (Lille and Paris) and Spain (Barcelona). Judge Bitti has published extensively in the areas of international criminal and human rights law in English, French and Spanish. Judge Bitti is a member of the Advisory Board for the Center for International Law and Policy (CILRAP). Judge Bitti holds law degrees (Master in Law with specialisation in judicial careers and DEA – diplôme d’études approfondies - in Criminal Law) from the University of Paris II (Pantheon-Assas, France). cases/functions at the KSC: Member of the Trial Panels in the cases against Salih Mustafa, Pjetër Shala and Januzi et al.