On 5 May 2021, President Ekaterina Trendafilova assigned Judges Roland Dekkers, Mappie Veldt-Foglia, Gilbert Bitti, and Vladimir Mikula (reserve) to Trial Panel I. The...
President Ekaterina Trendafilova was awarded the prestigious ‘Badge of Honor’ by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria on the occasion of Bulgaria’s constitution day (16...
On 19 April 2021 at 15:00, the Initial Appearance of Pjetër Shala will take place in the courtroom of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) in The Hague....
Persons who believe that they have suffered direct harm from the crimes contained in a confirmed indictment before the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) can apply to participate...
On 16 March 2021, the Belgian authorities, acting on the basis of a request for cooperation in the execution of an order for arrest and transfer from the Kosovo Specialist...
On 19 March 2021, the Judges of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) met remotely for their sixth Plenary. During the Plenary, the Judges were updated by the President on...