Over the course of 2023, a wide range of important milestones were reached, including the issuance of the first two appeal judgements, one involving war crimes and the other involving offences against the administration of justice. In addition, the first two decisions on the commutation, modification or alteration of sentences were made. The judicial activities further intensified with two trial proceedings commencing during the year. In one of these trials, the evidentiary phase had almost concluded by the end of 2023. In addition, four individuals were arrested in Kosovo and transferred to the KSC’s detention facilities in the Hague. KSC President Ekaterina Trendafilova travelled to Kosovo in November 2023 to meet with civil society and media representatives as part of the KSC Outreach Programme. During the course of 2023 the KSC launched its presence on the Instagram and “X” social media platforms in the three official languages of the court.