On 4 December 2019, legal practitioners from the list of counsel eligible to represent persons in proceedings before the KSC adopted the Constitution of the Independent Representative Body of Specialist Counsel (IRB). With the adoption of the Constitution, the IRB was formally established. The Kosovo Specialist Chambers may consult with the IRB on amendments to the legal framework of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and the IRB can also propose such changes.

A Working Group of seven List Counsel drafted the Constitution, with administrative support from the Registry. KSC President Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova and Registrar Dr Fidelma Donlon congratulated Counsel on the formation of the representative body and expressed their commitment to fruitful cooperation with the IRB.  

As of 4 December, there are 164 Counsel on the public Lists of Victims’ and Defence Counsel. The Directive on Counsel was adopted in November 2017.

Specialist Chambers