The Director-General for Multilateral Affairs of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Axel Kenes, and the Permanent Representative of Belgium to the International Institutions in The Hague, Ambassador William Roelants de Stappers visited the premises of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) today. 

President Ekaterina Trendafilova, Specialist Prosecutor Jack Smith and Registrar Dr Fidelma Donlon met with the Belgian delegation to update them on activities and progress made within their respective mandates. Director-General Kenes expressed his country’s full support for the court in conducting its work as an independent court of law.

“All of us at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers are fully committed to ensuring that future proceedings will be fair, impartial and efficient and conducted in a safe and secure environment,” President Trendafilova said. “I want to thank the Kingdom of Belgium, other EU Member States and Third Contributing States for their crucial support to this institution in its pursuit of that mandate.”

Specialist Chambers