Thursday February 8, 2024 17:00

On 8 February 2024, Pre-Trial Judge Guillou granted the SPO request for the joinder of the case against Sabit Januzi and Ismet Bahtijari with the one against Haxhi Shala. Judge Guillou found that the joinder of these two cases meets the requirements of Rule 89(1) of the Rules, that it would serve the proper administration of justice and would not be prejudicial or inconsistent with the rights of the accused.

As for the amended indictment submitted by the SPO in January, Judge Guillou found it non-operative and ordered the SPO to resubmit it. Until then, the joint case will proceed on the basis of the currently confirmed indictments in the two cases.

The new joint case will be renamed The Specialist Prosecutor v. Sabit Januzi, Ismet Bahtijari and Haxhi Shala and will have the case number KSC-BC-2023-10. The current case number KSC-BC-2023-11 (which referred to Haxhi Shala only) will be discontinued but will remain part of the joint case record.

More details in the decision.