According to the indictment, Sabit Januzi is a Kosovar national born in Bërvenik/Brvenik, Kosovo. 

According to the indictment, Ismet Bahtijari is a Kosovar national born in Fushticë e Poshtme/ Donja Fuštica, Kosovo. 

According to the indictment, Haxhi Shala is a Kosovar national born in Banje, Malisheve, Kosovo.


The indictment against Januzi and Bahtijari (case number KSC-BC-2023-10) was confirmed on 2 October 2023 and was made public on 6 October 2023. The indictment against Haxhi Shala (case number KSC-BC-2023-11) was confirmed on 4 December 2023 and was made public on 12 December 2023

On 12 January 2024, following its request for the joinder of these two cases, the SPO filed a proposed joint indictment but the Pre-Trial Judge on 8 February 2024 ordered the SPO to resubmit it. On 16 February 2024, the SPO submitted an amended indictment against Januzi and Bahtijari, which corrected Bahtijari’s last name and improved clarity and precision of the case. The joinder indictment was resubmitted by the SPO on 27 February 2024 and made public on 3 July 2024. On 17 May 2024, the Pre-Trial Judge granted the SPO's request to amend the indictment and include new factual allegations, in relation to Januzi and Bahtijari only. On 8 July 2024, the Pre-Trial Judge confirmed the amendments and ordered the SPO to file the amended joint indictment, which they did on 10 July 2024.

Summary of charges

According to the confirmed indictment, "Witness 1" is a person who has or is likely to provide information to the Special Investigative Task Force, SPO, and/or to any KSC Panel about any crimes or offences falling under KSC jurisdiction. The indictment states that between at least 5 April 2023 and 12 April 2023, Shala, Januzi and Bahtijari, in co-perpetration with other individuals, coordinated as a group before and after in-person approaches made to Witness 1 by Januzi and Bahtijari.

The indictment further states that, at Shala's direction, Januzi and Bahtijari individually met with Witness 1 on two separate occasions in order to induce him to withdraw evidence or refrain from providing evidence in official proceedings before the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, including by use of serious threat and the promise of a gift or any other form of benefit.

The charges are the following:


  • Obstructing official persons in performing official duties (Count 1 and Count 2)


  • Intimidation during criminal proceedings (Count 3)





  • Sabit Januzi and Ismet Bahtijari were arrested in Kosovo on 5 October and transferred to the KSC Detention Unit on 6 October 2023. At the initial appearance on 9 October 2023, both Januzi and Bahtijari pleaded not guilty to all charges in the indictment.

  • Haxhi Shala was arrested in Kosovo on 11 December and transferred to the KSC Detention Unit on 12 December 2023. At the initial appearance on 13 December 2023, Shala did not enter a plea. He pleaded not guilty to all charges at the further appearance on 15 December 2023. 

  • On 13 December 2023, the SPO filed a request to join the cases against Januzi and Bahtijari (KSC-BC-2023-10) with the case against Haxhi Shala (KSC-BC-2023-11). On 8 February 2024, the Pre-Trial Judge granted the SPO request for the joinder of these two cases and determined that the joint case will be renamed The Specialist Prosecutor v. Sabit Januzi, Ismet Bahtijari and Haxhi Shala and will have the case number KSC-BC-2023-10.

  • On 16 February 2024, the SPO filed, as confidential, its pre-trial brief in the joint case, followed by the Bahtijari Defence on 19 June 2024 (also confidential). 

  • The Pre-Trial Judge initially set 21 June 2024 as the date to transmit the case file to the Trial Panel, but later changed it to 5 and 22 July 2024. However, on 12 July 2024, the Pre-Trial Judge vacated the previously scheduled date, and a new date has yet to be announced.

  • The further appearance of Januzi and Bahtijari took place on 12 July 2024, during which the both accused pleaded not guilty to the new charge against them in the amended joint indictment. 

Current pre-trial information/statistics*
Pre-Trial Judge Judge Marjorie Masselot
Specialist Prosecutor's Office Tazneen Shahabuddin
Defence Counsel Januzi: Jonathan Elystan Rees (Counsel), Huw Bowden (Co-Counsel)
Bahtijari: Felicity Gerry (Counsel), James O’Keefe (Co-Counsel)
H.Shala: Toby Cadman (Counsel), John Cubbon (Co-Counsel)
Trial stage Pre-trial
Pre-trial period length 9 months, 6 days (Januzi&Bahtijari)
7 months (H.Shala)

*As of 12/07/2024

List of all hearings

Below you can find the list of all hearings in the Januzi & Bahtijari & H.Shala case. Please note that videos and transcripts will be added to the list as they become available. 

List of all public hearings in the Januzi & Bahtjari & H.Shala case
Date Type of hearing Video recording Transcript
09/10/2023 Initial appearance (Bahtijari) Video Transcript
09/10/2023 Initial appearance (Januzi) Video Transcript
12/10/2023 Status Conference (Januzi&Bahtijari) Video Transcript
03/11/2023 Status Conference (Januzi&Bahtijari) Video Transcript
13/12/2023 Initial appearance (Haxhi Shala) Video Transcript
14/12/2023 Status Conference (Januzi&Bahtijari) Video Transcript
15/12/2023 Status Conference/Further appearance (Haxhi Shala) Video Transcript
13/02/2024 Status Conference Video Transcript
22/03/2024 Status Conference Video Transcript
12/07/2024 Further appearance (Januzi, Bahtijari) Video Transcript