Today, 4 February 2025, the Trial Panel in the Sabit Januzi, Ismet Bahtijari and Haxhi Shala case approved the plea agreements reached between the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) and the three accused in this case, in which they admitted guilt to one charge of obstructing official persons in performing official duties, and one charge of intimidation in criminal proceedings, namely two of the three charges confirmed against them by the Pre-Trial Judge. The third charge, obstructing official persons in performing official duties, by serious threat, was withdrawn by the SPO on 17 December 2024, as part of the plea agreements.
Each accused admitted that they were part of a group which sought to induce an individual to refrain from giving evidence before the Kosovo Specialist Chambers through the promise of a benefit. In particular, Sabit Januzi and Ismet Bahtijari – acting at the direction of Haxhi Shala – approached this individual at his home on 5 and 12 April 2023, respectively.
In line with those plea agreements, the Trial Panel also issued sentences against Mr. Shala, Mr. Januzi and Mr. Bahtijari as follows:
• Haxhi Shala was sentenced to 3 years.
• Sabit Januzi was sentenced to 2 years.
• Ismet Bahtijari was sentenced to 2 years.
The Trial Panel deducted from the imposed sentences the time spent in detention since the accused’s arrest.
The accused further agreed to pay the total sum of 500 Euros as reparations to the victim admitted to participate in the proceedings.
Public redacted versions of the plea agreements between the SPO and Sabit Januzi, Haxhi Shala, and Ismet Bahtijari can be accessed on the KSC website.