Judge Romina Incutti (click to download) NATIONALITY: italy Date of appointment: 22 september 2020 Biography: Judge Romina Incutti has last served as a Judge at the Surveillance Court of Rome 2018-2021. She previously served as a Legal Advisor of the Italian Embassy in Washington DC (2016-2018), as Legal Advisor of the Office of the Agent of the Italian Government before the European Court of Human Rights, as a Legal Advisor of the Service for Legal Affairs, Diplomatic Disputes and International Agreements (2012-2016), and as a Magistrate Advisor at the General Directorate of Criminal Justice in the Italian Ministry of Justice (2010-2012). Prior to that, Judge Incutti served as a Judge at the Criminal Court in Rome (1996-1997 and 2000-2010) and as a Public Prosecutor in Sicily (1997-2000). She also held numerous positions, inter alia, as Italian National Correspondent of Eurojust and National Correspondent of European Judicial Network - EJN (2010-2012); National Expert of the Pilot Project for the Review of UNTOC, and others. She is trainer and university lecturer in International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and published on the European Convention of Human Rights and Terrorism related topics. Judge Incutti holds a Degree and LLM in Law and a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS -LLM) in International Law of Armed Conflict. CASES/FUNCTIONS at the KSC: Member of the Specialist Chamber of the Constitutional Court since 22 September 2020 (reserve judge). Member of different Constitutional Court panels seised with, inter alia, referrals filed by Thaçi, Veseli, Krasniqi, the referrals by Shala (first; second; third), Nasim Haradinaj, Januzi et al. and Mustafa (first; second).