On 7 and 8 March 2019, the Judges of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) met in The Hague on the occasion of the fourth Plenary.

As the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, adopted in 2017, are yet to be tested in practice, no rule amendments were received at this point.

The Judges were provided with an update from the President on ongoing institutional matters. They were also informed by the Registrar and by the Specialist Prosecutor on developments within their respective offices. In addition, various internal briefings were provided to the Judges in order to further enhance awareness of matters which may arise in future proceedings before the KSC.

In accordance with the legal framework of the KSC, the Judges are only present at the seat of the Specialist Chambers as necessary at the request of the President, to exercise functions requiring their presence. This is the case for Plenaries, the purpose of which is to allow for discussions between Judges and which usually take place in their presence at the premises of the Specialist Chambers.

Specialist Chambers