11 June 2019 – Today, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutors Office moved to their new premises at Raamweg 47, 2596 HN in The Hague. Thanks to a generous contribution from the Norwegian Government, the building was refurbished and adapted to meet the needs of the Court. It includes a courtroom with the capacity to manage proceedings in the three official languages of the court and a public gallery for visitors to attend hearings. It also includes a media center to enhance reporting of proceedings to Kosovo and a broader audience. Renovation works were carried out through the Ministry of Housing of the Netherlands in close cooperation with the KSC.

On the occasion of moving all activities to the new premises, President of the KSC, Dr. Ekaterina Trendafilova said: “I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who contributed to making this move possible and I am pleased that facilities are in place to ensure safe and secure proceedings.”

Please note that group visits to the KSC are suspended until mid-July. More information on visiting the Court is available at https://www.scp-ks.org/en/ksc-outreach/visits.

Specialist Chambers