• Thursday November 28, 2024 09:45

    Thaçi et al. trial: 4th day of witness Qadraku’s testimony

    Following the questions by the Panel yesterday, witness Halil Qadraku continues his testimony this morning with the additional questions by the parties.

  • Wednesday November 27, 2024 16:45

    KSC Press Briefing this week on Friday, 29 November

    This week’s press briefing will take place on Friday, 29 November at 14:30. Journalists who have questions on the Reparations Order pronounced earlier that day, are encouraged to attend.

  • Wednesday November 27, 2024 11:00

    Thaçi et al. trial: the first break will last longer than announced

    Please be informed that the current break (which started at 09:40 live or at 10:25 in the delayed online stream) will last longer than announced. The trial is expected to resume at 10:40 (or at 11:25 in the online stream).

  • Wednesday November 27, 2024 10:00

    Thaçi et al. trial: 3rd day of witness Qadraku’s testimony

    Witness Halil Qadraku resumes his testimony this morning. After questioning by the SPO and three Defence teams, the witness is currently being re-examined by the SPO.

  • Monday November 25, 2024 10:30

    Thaçi et al. trial: SPO calls its new witness (107th so far)

    Halil Qadraku is the new Prosecution’s witness, whose testimony commenced this morning. According to the Prosecution’s summary in court, this witness joined the KLA around March 1998 and occupied various roles in multiple locations, including the Pashtrik operational zone.

    Pursuant to Rule 151(2), the Panel announced in court that they decided to compel this witness to testify due to, inter alia, the importance and uniqueness of his testimony, as well as the limited nature of possible self-incrimination. According to the same Rule, paragraph 3, the Panel assured the witness that his evidence would be given in camera, unless requested otherwise by the witness, and would not be used against him in any subsequent prosecution before the KSC, except under Article 15 (2) of the Law and Rule 65 of the Rules.

    Following the consultations with his duty counsel present in court, the witness announced that he would like this testimony to be in open session.

  • Friday November 22, 2024 17:30

    Reparation Order on 29 November: P. Shala’s request for absence or postponement denied

    On 22 November, Trial Panel I rejected the Defence's request to either excuse Pjetër Shala from attending the Reparation Order announcement on 29 November or to postpone the hearing. The Panel determined that the accused's attendance at this hearing is mandated by the Law and the Rules. The Panel found that the Defence's argument, citing Shala's scheduled visits as exceptional circumstances, did not justify his absence or a postponement. However, in light of the hearing’s anticipated short duration, the Panel directed the Registry to facilitate the organisation of Shala's visits on that day to the extent feasible.

    Further details are available in the decision.

  • Thursday November 21, 2024 12:30

    Thaçi et al. trial adjourned for the week/resumes on 25 November

    Following the completion of the testimony of the SPO’s 106th witness W04393, the trial in the Thaçi et al. case has adjourned for the day and the week. The trial will resume on Monday, 25 November 2024, at 09:00.

  • Thursday November 21, 2024 10:00

    Thaçi et al. trial: new SPO witness takes the stand (106th so far)

    Protected witness W04393 started testifying this morning. According to the SPO summary in court, this witness was abducted by persons wearing KLA insignia in 1998 and then detained and mistreated in a KLA detention site. This testimony is conducted via video-link.