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Thursday 16 February, 2023 11:00

Pre-Appeal Conference in the Mustafa case concludes

Please be informed that the hearing in the Salih Mustafa appeal case this morning, held before Judge Picard, has adjourned.

Thursday 16 February, 2023 09:45

Mustafa appeal case: Panel specifies modalities for victims’ participation

On 15 February, the Court of Appeals Panel denied a Defence motion seeking the exclusion of Victims’ Counsel from participating in the pre-appeal conference on 16 February and from the appellate proceedings in the Mustafa case in general. Finding that there is a legal basis for the participation of victims, through Counsel for Victims, in these appellate proceedings, the Panel adopted the modalities for victim participation in this case, which are set out in the decision.  

Wednesday 15 February, 2023 17:30

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 16 February

Another KSC weekly press briefing will take place on Thursday, 16 February at 14:30. During this briefing, the KSC Spokespersons will provide a short update on the latest developments in the judicial proceedings before the KSC, as well as on other public activities of the Court. Journalists will have the opportunity to ask questions. Pre-registration is required to attend each briefing. To pre-register, please send an email with name and affiliation to [email protected]. Deadline for pre-registration is every Thursday at 12:00. The Zoom details will be shared following pre-registration. Recordings of the update provided during the Weekly Press Briefings will be made available on the KSC YouTube Channel.

Wednesday 15 February, 2023 16:45

Thaçi et al: SPO Conference concludes/status conference on 20 March

The SPO preparation conference in the Thaçi et al case concluded today. Apart from the postponement of the trial start date from 1 March to 3 April, the Panel also ordered that the opening statements will continue on 4 and 5 April, followed by the hearing of the evidence on 11 April 2023 (all hearings will start at 09:00). The target date for the closing of the SPO’s case is set for 1 April 2025. The Panel also scheduled a status conference in this case for 20 March at 09:00.

Wednesday 15 February, 2023 15:15

Thaçi et al: Start of trial postponed till 3 April

During the SPO preparation conference in the Thaçi et al. case today, which is still ongoing, the Panel granted a Defence’s oral motion and ordered that the trial in this case will commence on 3 April with the opening statements, and not on 1 March, as previously announced.

Friday 10 February, 2023 11:15

Mustafa: Defence’s notice of appeal available

As per Panel’s order on 9 February, the Defence of Salih Mustafa today, 10 February, filed a public redacted version of its notice appeal (initially filed confidentially on 2 February). It can be seen here (a further redacted version filed on 13 February 2023).

Thursday 9 February, 2023 17:30

Shala case: Panel’s decision re. reparation proceedings

On 9 February, the Trial Panel in the Shala case decided that the reparation and criminal proceedings will be conducted concurrently in this case and that, in case of a conviction, the Panel will not refer victims to civil litigation in Kosovo courts pursuant to Article 22(9) of the Law and Rule 167 of the Rules, but issue a Reparation Order pursuant to Articles 22(8) and 44(6) of the Law. Therefore, the Panel in this case will follow the same procedure as in the case against Salih Mustafa. More details in the actual decision.

Thursday 9 February, 2023 15:30

Pre-appeal conference in the Mustafa case on 16 February

On 9 February, Presiding Judge of a Panel of the Court of Appeals Chamber Michèle Picard, pursuant to Rule 178 of the Rules, scheduled a pre-appeal conference in the Salih Mustafa case for 16 February 2022 at 10:00. Furthermore, Judge Picard ordered the Defence to file a public redacted version of its notice of appeal by 13 February at 12:00.  More details in the scheduling order.

Thursday 9 February, 2023 14:45

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 9 February 2023: transcript

Here is the transcript of today's KSC Weekly Press Briefing. 

KSC Spokesperson Angela Griep

the archive of all previous press briefings is available on this page and the video files can be found on our youtube channel 

Wednesday 8 February, 2023 17:45

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 9 February

Another KSC weekly press briefing will take place on Thursday, 9 February at 14:30. During this briefing, the KSC Spokespersons will provide a short update on the latest developments in the judicial proceedings before the KSC, as well as on other public activities of the Court. Journalists will have the opportunity to ask questions. Pre-registration is required to attend each briefing. To pre-register, please send an email with name and affiliation to [email protected]. Deadline for pre-registration is every Thursday at 12:00. The Zoom details will be shared following pre-registration. Recordings of the update provided during the Weekly Press Briefings will be made available on the KSC YouTube Channel.