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Thursday 15 December, 2022 09:30

Thaci et al. case: 21 new victims admitted to the proceedings

Pre-Trial Judge Guillou issued a fourth decision on victims' participation in the Thaci et al. case. Twenty one new applicants were admitted to the proceedings as participating victims. They will be included in the existing group of victims (Group 1 with 32 participating victims previously admitted) and shall be represented by the same Victims' Counsel. Twenty applications were rejected. More details in the decision.

Thursday 8 December, 2022 14:30

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 8 December 2022: transcript

Here is the transcript of today's KSC Weekly Press Briefing. 

KSC Spokesperson Angela Griep

the archive of all previous press briefings is available on this page and the video files can be found on our youtube channel 

Thursday 8 December, 2022 08:15

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 8 December

Another KSC weekly press briefing will take place on Thursday, 8 December at 14:30. During this briefing, the KSC Spokespersons will provide a short update on the latest developments in the judicial proceedings before the KSC, as well as on other public activities of the Court. Journalists will have the opportunity to ask questions. Pre-registration is required to attend each briefing. To pre-register, please send an email with name and affiliation to [email protected]. Deadline for pre-registration is every Thursday at 12:00. The Zoom details will be shared following pre-registration. Recordings of the update provided during the Weekly Press Briefings will be made available on the KSC YouTube Channel.

Tuesday 6 December, 2022 16:45

Mustafa case: Trial judgment on 16 December

Today, 6 December 2022, Trial Panel I scheduled the pronouncement of the trial judgment in the case against Salih Mustafa for 16 December 2022 at 09:00. Here is the scheduling order.

Friday 2 December, 2022 14:00

Appeal hearing in the Gucati&Haradinaj case ends/judgment in due course

In its response today, the SPO submitted that the appeals of both Defence teams should be rejected and the sentences confirmed. The Defence teams thereafter replied, followed by the personal address by both Gucati and Haradinaj. The appeal hearing in this case has concluded. The Court of Appeals Panel will render its judgment in due course.

Friday 2 December, 2022 10:15

Gucati&Haradinaj: second day of the appeal hearing

During the second day of the appeal hearing, the SPO will respond to the Defence submissions, followed by the replies of both Defence teams. Today’s hearing is expected to conclude with the final statement by the President Judge preceded by (an optional) personal address by both appellants.

Thursday 1 December, 2022 18:00

Gucati&Haradinaj: Defence submissions completed

During their submissions today, both Gucati’s and Haradinaj’s Defence reiterated their grounds of appeal against the trial judgment requesting that it be overturned and replaced by an acquittal. In case of conviction, both Defence teams request a reduction of their sentences. The appeal hearing resumes tomorrow at 09:30.

Thursday 1 December, 2022 15:15

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 1 December 2022: transcript

Here is the transcript of today's KSC Weekly Press Briefing. 

KSC Spokesperson Angela Griep

the archive of all previous press briefings is available on this page and the video files can be found on our youtube channel 

Thursday 1 December, 2022 14:15

Gucati&Haradinaj: the appeal hearing begins

The appeal hearing in the Gucati&Haradinaj case is scheduled to take place today and tomorrow, 1 and 2 December. According to the schedule for today’s hearing, the Gucati Defence will make its submissions after the introductory statement of the Presiding Judge of the Court of Appeals Panel, followed by submissions from the Haradinaj Defence.

Wednesday 30 November, 2022 17:15

Transmission of Thaçi et al. case file on 15 December/Trial Panel assigned

Pre-Trial Judge Nicolas Guillou today, 30 November, notified the President that the case file in the case against Hashim Thaçi, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi will be ready for transmission to the Trial Panel on 15 December this year. Accordingly, the KSC President assigned today Trial Panel II to this case, composed of Judges Charles Smith III, Christoph Barthe, Guénaël Mettraux and Fergal Gaynor (reserve judge).