E.g., 03/07/2024
E.g., 03/07/2024
23 Jun 2017

On Wednesday 28 June, at 12:00 hours, the Presiding Judge of the Specialist Chamber of the Constitutional Court of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers will deliver the Judgment of the Specialist...

31 May 2017

Today the President of the Specialist Chambers, Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova, referred the Rules of Procedure and Evidence to the Specialist Chamber of the Constitutional Court, after they have...

04 May 2017

Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova today addressed the media in The Hague, at her first press conference since she assumed office as President of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers on 12 January 2017. She...

27 Apr 2017

As part of the ongoing OSCE and EULEX efforts to enhance transparency of the Kosovo judiciary, Specialist Chambers representatives, Registrar, Dr Fidelma Donlon, and Head of...

26 Apr 2017

The Specialist Chamber of the Constitutional Court has today delivered its Judgment on the Referral of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence. The Referral aimed at ensuring compliance of the Rules...
