E.g., 22/07/2024
E.g., 22/07/2024
11 May 2018

Today, Friday 11 May, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) added the names of Counsel to the Lists, in addition to Counsel who are already admitted. Being on those Lists enables...

07 May 2018

In relation to today’s appointment of Mr Jack Smith to the position of Specialist Prosecutor in accordance with the Law on Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office...

07 May 2018

Jack Smith, a US prosecutor with experience in both high-level political investigations and international criminal investigations, has been appointed Specialist Prosecutor after a selection...

26 Apr 2018

Today, representatives of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers spoke at a lecture for law students at Prizren University, discussing with students and professors legal questions...

25 Apr 2018

Today, a group from the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, which included the Heads of the Public Information and Communications Unit and Victims’ Participation Office, and the...

24 Apr 2018

Today, representatives of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) met with NGOs and CSOs for a workshop in Peja/Peć. The event was organised and facilitated in partnership with the...
