The Call for Nominations of Judges to the Roster of International Judges of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers has been issued by the European External Action Service.  EU Member States and Contributing States are invited to nominate qualified  candidates by way of a supporting letter, for the position(s) as listed in the Call for Nominations.  The requirements for candidates are provided for in the Article 27 of the Law on Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office and are also outlined in the Call for Nominations. Judges will be appointed to the Roster of International Judges and will only be present at the seat of the Specialist Chambers at the request of the President to exercise functions requiring their presence. 

The Call can be accessed at the EEAS web page and the deadline has been extended to 17 March 2020 at 17:00 hrs (Brussels time). The candidates will be subject to the selection procedure prescribed by the Law, after the expiration of the Call.

Specialist Chambers