As part of the ongoing OSCE and EULEX efforts to enhance transparency of the Kosovo judiciary, Specialist Chambers representatives, Registrar, Dr Fidelma Donlon, and Head of Public Information and Communication, Avis Benes, held an information session with media and civil society representatives in Kosovo. OSCE Head of Mission, Jan Braathu, and EULEX Head of Mission, Alexandra Papadopoulou, opened the event.

The event, held under the auspices of the Justice Transparency Forum, is the first of this nature and was an opportunity for the participants to get acquainted with the functioning, mandate and future steps of the Specialist Chambers.  It was followed with a question and answer session regarding vast aspects of the Specialist Chambers’ operation.

The Justice Transparency Forum, a joint OSCE and EULEX initiative, is a platform for enhancing transparency of Kosovo’s judicial system. The Forum maintains dialogue and is an ongoing space for communication between journalists and representatives of justice institutions.


Specialist Chambers