As part of its outreach programme, the KSC is working to increase awareness about its work among Kosovo youth and inform people about how victims might participate in its proceedings. During the week from 3rd to 7th September, the KSC in cooperation with a number of Kosovo organizations  carried out a number of various outreach events around the country. These included a round table organized in cooperation with the Youth Initiative for Human Rights. During the event, youth from all over Kosovo had the chance to hear and ask questions about the work of the KSC.

Representatives from the KSC Victims’ Participation Office also held several other meetings explaining who may qualify as a victim and how, where and when they can apply and how they can participate. The feedback from the meetings shows that people still have many questions about the work of the KSC and appreciate direct meetings with its representatives to speak about their concerns and to help them understand what the KSC can do. As a result, the KSC will plan a next series of outreach round tables and meetings in Kosovo.

Specialist Chambers