On 21 March, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) in cooperation with the Humanitarian Law Centre (HLC) Kosovo invited NGOs, lawyers and diplomatic representatives to a panel discussion in Pristina. Bekim Blakaj, Executive Director of HLC raised the main topics of interest for Kosovo civil society. Deputy Registrar of the KSC, Guido Acquaviva, and Associate Legal Officer, Kinga Tibori-Szabo, explained the mandate and structure of the institution and addressed how fair, independent and secure judicial proceedings will unfold at the KSC. Blakaj asked follow-up questions on victims’ participation and the procedure for admission to the list(s) of counsel. The lawyers in the audience, some of whom have been admitted to the list(s), or have applied, asked for practical information for defence counsel. Civil society organisations were interested in the outreach programme. The session continued in a more informal setting during which the KSC team answered the remaining questions and discussed new ideas for future outreach events.
Specialist Chambers