E.g., 03/07/2024
E.g., 03/07/2024
28 Nov 2018

From 19 to 22 November 2018, the International Nuremberg Principles Academy in cooperation with the KSC carried out a seminar on “journalism and trial reporting”. Eighteen...

01 Nov 2018

Today, Thursday, 1 November, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) added new names to the Lists of lawyers for Defence and Victims’ Counsel, in addition to Counsel who are...

30 Oct 2018

Specialist Prosecutor Jack Smith is visiting Kosovo for the first time for a series of meetings with international and Kosovo officials.

In the course...

16 Oct 2018

Judge Christine Van den Wyngaert, Judge on the Roster of International Judges of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, received the “World Peace Through Law Award” for 2018, which was...

05 Oct 2018

Today the Kosovo Ombudsperson Hilmi Jashari hosted at his office in Pristina a courtesy visit of the Ombudsperson of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, Judge Pietro Spera....

26 Sep 2018

Judge Kai Ambos, Judge on the Roster of international Judges of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, was awarded the Order of merit “Carlos Lemos Simmonds” for 2018 by the Colombian...
