
Live Update

H. Shala: Defence request re. Legal Aid Fee rejected

On 6 March 2025, Trial Panel I denied Haxhi Shala's request to reconsider its earlier ruling regarding the Legal Aid Fee…

H. Shala: Constitutional Court dismisses referral re. detention

On 6 March 2025, a Constitutional Court panel, consisting of Judges Vidar Stensland, Roumen Nenkov, and Romina Incutti…

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 6 March: transcript

Here is the transcript of today's KSC Weekly Press Briefing.

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 6 March

Another KSC weekly press briefing will take place on Thursday, 6 March, at 14:30. During this briefing, the KSC…

Hashim Thaҫi: Trial Panel’s decision on request for temporary release also available online

After the Pre-Trial Judge's ruling that we reported on last week, the Trial Panel in the case for war crimes and crimes…

Thaçi et al. trial: hearings in the week of 17 March cancelled

Please be informed that the hearings for the Thaçi et al. case scheduled for the week of 17 March have been cancelled…

Januzi et al.: reasons for plea agreement decision available

As indicated by the Panel during the announcement of its ruling on 4 February, the reasons for the decision approving…

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 27 February: transcript

Here is the transcript of today's KSC Weekly Press Briefing.

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 27 February

Another KSC weekly press briefing will take place on Thursday, 27 February, at 14:30. During this briefing, the KSC…

Hashim Thaҫi: latest decision on request for temporary release available online

On 19 February 2025, the Pre-trial Judge in the case related to administration of justice offences against Thaci and…

Victims' participation

P. Shala: Video of trial judgment

KSC Outreach



The Kosovo Specialist Chambers offers visitors and journalists the possibility to attend public hearings from the gallery of the courtroom. Accredited journalists may also use the media room to work during breaks or closed sessions. 


The closing date of our latest Call for Contributions (CFC 2-2024 – internship) was 27 November 2024. Related recruitment and selections are currently ongoing. Please visit our site regularly for future opportunities.