Interviews/Statements slideshow-EN

  • President Trendafilova at a meeting with civil society, Pristina, November 2017
  • Registrar Donlon at a meeting with civil society in Pristina, November 2017
  • President's interview with KTV Kosovo, November 2017
  • KSC President in an interview with Radio Free Europe, November 2017
  • KSC Ombudsperson Pietro Spera in an interview with KTV (Kosovo), October 2018
  • Interview of KSC Ombudsperson with Voice of America, October 2018
  • Representatives of the KSC on RTV Mir (Kosovo), December 2019

KSC President and Registrar participate in a consultative meeting with NGOs from Kosovo and Serbia

In 2020, the KSC continued to receive invaluable feedback and recommendations on its outreach and communications activities from the Court Information Network (CIN), a forum established by the KSC in 2018, consisting of a group of 15 NGOs from Kosovo and Serbia. Following the publication of the first indictment, the President and the Registrar addressed the CIN in October in an interactive  online discussion about the start of proceedings and its impact on future communication needs.

Series of online lectures with high school and university students

In partnership with the NGOs Humanitarian Law Centre Kosovo, AKTIV and Youth Initiative for Human Rights Kosovo, the KSC hosted four online lectures involving a total of 70 students from Kosovo, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in October 2020. The aim was to disseminate information about the court, answer questions from the audience and hear their concerns. The students came from Mitrovica University, IBCM, the HLC Transitional Justice workshop, the YIHR National Mock Trial, and the YIHR-USAID Youth Exchange programme on Dealing with the past.



Roundtable with Human Rights NGOs from Belgrade (online)

In December 2020, the KSC Outreach team participated in an online roundtable organised by the NGO Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia to provide detailed information about the court and its judicial activities. Participants came from various human rights and development NGOs based in Serbia.



Online University Lecture with law students from the University of Pristina

In partnership with the NGO Youth Initiative for Human Rights Kosovo, the KSC held its first outreach event of 2021 with bachelor and master students from the Law Faculty of Pristina. In the course of a dynamic discussion, participants posed many questions on topics related to the court’s ongoing legal proceedings, aspects of the legal framework, types of crimes within the court’s jurisdiction, as well as on the role of the KSC-SPO Ombudsperson. 


Public Hearing: Initial Appearance of Nasim Haradinaj on 15 December 2020

On 15 December 2020 at 15:00, the Initial Appearance of Nasim Haradinaj will take place in the courtroom of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) in The Hague. Nasim Haradinaj (“Mr Haradinaj”) was arrested on 25 September in Kosovo by the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office and transferred to The Hague on...
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