
All Detainees are provided with reasonable means of maintaining personal relationships. In addition to telephone calls and written correspondence, they may have visits with close relatives, other family members, and persons with whom they have a pre-existing personal relationship. Special care is taken to facilitate family visits using simplified visiting procedures.

Treatment of detainees

Detainees are presumed to be innocent until found guilty and are treated this way at all times. Discrimination of any kind is prohibited.



Contracting of Counsel

In order to be contracted under the legal aid system, Counsel will be required to submit certain documentation, such as documentation demonstrating that Counsel fulfils the requirements of the Directive on Counsel, a certificate that Counsel has covered all of his or her taxes and social security contributions, and proof of personal indemnity insurance.

Calculation of legal aid fee

The method for calculating the maximum legal aid fee paid to Counsel takes into account:

  • the stage of the proceedings and its expected duration;

  • the complexity level of the case;

  • the scope of services required; and

  • the maximum amount of legal aid established by the Legal Aid Regulations.

Remedies against the decision on legal aid

The Registrar may review a decision on legal aid on her own initiative or upon request by a suspect or accused when:

  • there is a change of circumstances that significantly affects the decision;

  • new, relevant information comes to the Registrar’s attention; or

  • an accused or suspect has provided false information or intentionally omitted significant information.

Legal Aid

Suspects or accused who do not have sufficient means to pay for Counsel are entitled to legal aid. Legal aid is also provided to pay for Counsel for victims participating in the proceedings. The Legal Aid Regulations can be found here.

Thank you - Victims' Participation Office of the KSC

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Faleminderit për plotësimin dhe dërgimin e formularit të mbrojtur për kontaktim Zyrës së Pjesëmarrjes së Viktimave të Dhomave të Specializuara të Kosovës. Do t’ju kontaktojmë sa më shpejt që është e mundshme.

Hvala što ste Službi za učešće žrtava Specijalizovanih veća Kosova podneli poverljivi kontakt obrazac.  Stupićemo u kontakt s vama u najskorije vreme.


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