
A natural person who believes to have personally suffered physical, material or mental harm as a direct result of a crime alleged in an indictment confirmed by a Pre-Trial Judge may apply to the Specialist Chambers to be admitted as a participating victim.

On 24 September 2020, the indictment in the Mustafa case became public. The indictment in this case can be found here.

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Thank you for contacting the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office. A prosecutor or an investigator will contact you in the near future.

Faleminderit që ju e keni kontaktuar Zyrën e Prokurorit të Specializuar. Një prokuror ose hetues do t’ju kontaktojë në të ardhmen e afërt.

Hvala Vam što ste kontaktirali Specijalizovano tužilaštvo. Tužilac ili istražitelj će Vam se javiti u kratkom vremenu.

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