Paul Valéry University, Montpellier (Francë)
Bordeaux University (Francë)
The American University of Brussels (Belgjikë)
Brandeis University - Boston, Massachusetts (SHBA)
EU Council Working Party on the Western Balkans Region (Belgjikë)
University College of London (Britani e Madhe)
Galway University - Irish Centre for HR (Irlandë)
Bulgarian Lawyers Training Centre (Bullgari)
Sciences Po Paris (Francë)
London School of Economics - LSE (Britani e Madhe)
Leuven University (Belgjikë)
Ruhr-Universität Bochum - International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict and NOHA-Network On Humanitarian Action (Gjermani)
Webster University of Leiden (Holandë)
DePaul University College of Law in Chicago - International Human Rights Law Institute (SHBA)
University of Antwerp (Belgjikë)
George Mason University, Virginia (SHBA)
Trinity University, San Antonio - Texas (SHBA)
Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Querétaro (Meksikë)
Santa Clara University School of Law (SHBA)
Studiecentrum Rechtspleging – Dutch training institute (Holandë)
American University of Paris (Francë)
Creighton University (SHBA)
University of Genoa (Itali)
VU Amsterdam (Holandë)
The Hague Academy of International Law (Holandë)
Stanford Law School (SHBA)
Syddansk Univeristy (Danimarkë)
Caen University - Master of Human Rights and Liberties (Francë)