Group photo of KSC judges (2022)* - click here to download
*Judge Antonio Balsamo is not on the photo

The Chambers have a judicial function and, being attached to each level of the court system in Kosovo, mirror the judicial structure in Kosovo. The Chambers are composed of international judges.

The Chambers shall be composed of the following Panels: individual judges performing the functions of a Pre-Trial Judge; Trial Panels composed of three judges (and one reserve Judge); Court of Appeals Panels composed of three judges; Supreme Court Panels composed of three judges; Constitutional Court Panels composed of three judges; and other individual judges as necessary to perform the functions of the Specialist Chambers.

Judges are appointed by the Head of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy Mission (i.e. Head of EULEX Mission), as recommended by an independent Selection Panel, which consists of two international judges with substantial experience in international criminal law and a third international appointee. The President and the Vice-President are appointed upon the recommendation of the independent Selection Panel. Judges are appointed to a Roster of International Judges. The President will assign judges from the roster to a case when required.

According to the Law, the Judges shall be persons of high moral character, impartial and of integrity, and shall qualify for the highest judicial offices in their respective States. They are independent in the performance of their functions and shall not accept or seek instructions from any government or any other source. They have established competence in criminal law and procedure, international law and constitutional law as appropriate, with extensive judicial, prosecutorial or defence experience in international or domestic criminal proceedings.



The Judges appointed to the Roster of International Judges
Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova


Judge Charles Smith III


Judge Christine van den Wyngaert


Judge Michele Picard


Judge Thomas Laker


Judge Emilio Gatti


Judge Vidar Stensland​​​​​


Judge Roland Dekkers


Judge Antonio Balsamo


Judge Kai  Ambos 


Judge Kenneth Roberts


Judge Mappie Veldt-Foglia


Judge Christoph Barthe


Judge Vladimir Mikula


Judge Guénaël Mettraux


Judge Roumen H. Nenkov


Judge Gilbert Bitti


Judge Daniel Fransen


Judge Romina Incutti


Judge Fergal M. Gaynor 
Judge Nina H.B. Jørgensen


Judge Marjorie Masselot
Judge Piotr Hofmański
Former Judges
Judge Ann Power-Forde
Judge Andres Parmas
Judge Keith Raynor
Judge Michael Bohlander
Judge Nicolas Guillou