Delegation of Brazilian Judges visits KSC

The Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) this week welcomed a delegation of 35 Federal and State Judges from Brazil, led by former Judge of the International Criminal Court Sylvia Steiner and Brazilian State Judge Zilli. President Ekaterina Trendafilova and Judge Kai Ambos spoke about the mandate and structure of the KSC.

Strategic documents

The KSC Outreach Programme aims at cultivating a level of knowledge and awareness of KSC’s mandate and mode of operations, at promoting access to and understanding of judicial proceedings, and at fostering realistic expectations about KSC’s work.

Thank you - Ombudsperson of the KSC

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Faleminderit që e keni kontaktuar Avokatin e Popullit të Dhomave të Specializuara të Kosovës. Zyra e Avokatit të Popullit do t’ju kontaktojë në të ardhmen e afërt.

Hvala Vam što ste kontaktirali Ombudsmana Specijalizovanih veća Kosova. Kancelarija Ombudsmana će Vam se javiti u kratkom vremenu.



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